黄霞芸 副教授

上海市杨浦区淞沪路2005号 复旦大学江湾校区化学-高分子楼B4081(200438)




  • 聚电解质粒子表界面组装

  • 非共价诱导多级结构的构筑

  • 聚合物精确自组装


1.       Zhao, J.+; Li, M+; Huang, X.*; Zhao, X.; Zhu, J.; Wang, J.; Yue, T.; Li. Z.* Diblock copolymer brush-based adhesion coupling agents, Advanced Functional Materials2025, 2423298, online.

2.       Zhu, J.; Zhao, X.; Wu, N.; Wu, D.; Huang, X.*; Nie, Z.; Chen, D.* Constructing a thin layer of concentrated polyelectrolyte solution on hydrogel surface that can considerably improve solar evaporation efficiency. Macromolecules2024, 57, 9811-9822.

3.       Zhao, X.; Li, D.; Zhu, J.; Fan, Y.; Xu, J.; Huang, X.*; Nie, Z.; Chen, D.* Stably grafting polymer brushes on both active and inert surface using tadpole-like single-chain particles with an interactive “head”. ACS Macro Letters2024, 13, 882-888.

4.       Zhu, J.; Xiao, Z.; Song, F.; Huang, X.*; Chen, D.*; Nie, Z.*Amphiphilic Janus patch-grafted hydrogel for salt-rejecting solar water desalination. Journal of Materials Chemistry A2024, 12, 17142-17150.

5.       Wu, D.+; Zhu, J.+; Xu, J.; Zhao, X; Jiang, O; Huang, X*; Nie, Z.; Chen, D.* Recyclable amphiphilic magnetic-responsive mixed-shell nanoparticles with high interfacial activity comparable to Janus particles for oily water purification, Macromolecular Rapid Communications2024. 2400734, online.

6.       Li, Y.; Zou, Y.; Bai, Y.; Zhang, X.; Wang, G.; Huang, X.*; Chen, D.* A novel worm-like micelles@MOFs precursor for constructing hierarchically porous CoP/N-doped carbon networks towards efficient hydrogen evolution reaction. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science2021, 600, 872-881.

7.       Li, H.; Lv, L.; Wang, W.; Huang, X.*, Chen, D.* A network of porous carbon/ZnCo2O4 nanotubes derived from shell-hybridized worm-like micelles for lithium storage. J. Mater. Chem. A2019, 7, 22642-22649.

8.       Lv, L.; Zhang, Z.; Li, H.; Huang, X.*,Chen, D.* “Endowing polymeric assemblies with unique properties and behaviors by incorporating versatile nanogels in the shell” ACS Macro Letters2019, 8, 1222-1226.

9.       Wang, W.; Zhang, K.; Bao, Y.; Li, H.; Huang, X.*; Chen, D.* Precise surface structure of nanofibres with nearly atomic-level precision. Chem. Comm. 2018, 54, 11084-11087.

10.    Zhang, Z.; Li, H.; Huang, X.*; Chen, D.* Solution-based thermodynamically controlled conversion from diblock copolymers to Janus nanoparticles. ACS Macro Letters2017, 6, 580-585.


  • 上海市浦江人才计划(2018)

  • Journal of Materials Chemistry A新锐科学家(2024)